In West Bengal, a popular festival known as Poush Sankranti or Poush Parbon, is celebrated with great enthusiasm in the month of January. Sankranti means the transmigration of the Sun from one constellation to the next. It marks the transition of the Sun into Makara constellation on its celestial path. Since the harvest season is to do with everything bountiful, food is a big part of Poush Sankranti and many rituals revolve around items made from rice as it is the time when paddy is harvested. The most common food for celebration is called pithe made from rice flour and the festival is also called pithe parbon. There are several kinds of pithe. Each district has its traditional pithe. Along with pithe, which is both sweet and savoury, Payesh made of rice, milk and date palm jaggery is a winter dessert cooked and offered to gods in every household in Bengal during Poush Sankranti. In rural Bengal, the farmers' families clean their households, dra...